Are you trying to keep from drowning in all the reading you have to do?
Do you have a project or paper that just isn't coming together?
Are you trying to balance school, work, and your personal life?
Wondering if you have what it takes to go back to school?
If you are struggling with balancing school, work, and life or have a big project coming up and want to stop procrastinating, then coaching can help you. A coach can help you identify the things that are most important to you, help you set priorities, and balance everything you have to do. Through the use of a strengths-based approach, a coach can help you use your strengths to get things done. A coach will not give you answers but will help you find your own solutions.
A coach will support you in your decisions, help you find ways to overcome obstacles, and cheer you on for each little success.
Click HERE to find out more about Becky Brotemarkle, PhD, RN as a coach. To find out more about MacroLife Coaching, click HERE.
If you are interested in giving coaching a try, use the "Schedule NOW" button below to set up a
complimentary 1/2 hour session via phone.